Saturday, March 10, 2012

Never drive drunk!

So last Monday for Family night we (Ron, April, Meilin and Mitchell) went to Trafalga to play.  We have season passes and so we have been trying to go at least monthly.  We had just dropped Mitchell off at his home and were almost home.  We were driving in front of the Jr. High, now many of you know what a wide road that is and Ron decided to weave back and forth along that road.  Much to our pre-teens dismay in the back seat.  There the three of us were, heads bopping back and forth, weaving, Meilin asking her dad to stop, and that just spearing him on a even longer path of weaviness and April  rolling her eyes at the whole situation.   Then what to our dizzy eyes should appear?.... but  the red and blue lights in our rear view mirror did leer.    Needless to say the officer did think we were driving a bit (how should we put it...under the influence).  To make matters worse when the officer asked Ron for his licence he discovered that he had left it at home on the copy machine.  It was quite the humorous situation to say the least.  But the good thing was that we didn't get a ticket, much to our surprise.

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