Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I have been taking a class online to help me with my digital scrap booking skills.  It is a year-long class that gives me monthly assignments.  By the time the year is finished I should have a somewhat completed history of my self.  This is one of my latest pages that I made up of my siblings.  It has been a bit of a challenge doing pages all about me.  I much rather enjoy making pages up about others.  But this one was pretty fun because I got to write about my wonderful older brother and sister. Sure love em!

The journaling on the page reads:
It was nice growing up with siblings like you!
 -You were someone to SHOW me the way....Like golfing in the
back yard, and how not to break the picture glass window in the kitchen.
 -You were someone to teach me how to LOVE pretending your feet were animals for me to play with so I would cuddle and kiss them.
 -You were someone to TEACH me how to clean how to clean out your drawers and if you find a stray bullet, you don't place it where you throw something heavy on top so it explodes and you end up all bloody.

 -You were someone to teach me by don't go to
the swimming pool if your swimming suit top is not tied on properly.
-You were someone to show me how to giving up two years of your life to serve the Lord on a mission.
 -You were someone who always SHARED with after seeing a play you loved you got the record, cut stick figures from magazines and reenacted the entire play for me.
You were the best older brother and sister a little girl
could ask for.  Thanks for being that SOMEONE
special for me.

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