Thursday, March 22, 2012

Special Olympics 2012

 In January Mitchell got to go tot he Special Olympics again.  He was way excited because this year he had his very own bowling ball and shoes.  He won a medal and was way excited.  I took him out to lunch and I think that was just as exciting for him!
Mitchell's roomates Chris and Cindy had fun as well.  We even got to see Alex, our home teacher bowling!  It was a fun day!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I have been taking a class online to help me with my digital scrap booking skills.  It is a year-long class that gives me monthly assignments.  By the time the year is finished I should have a somewhat completed history of my self.  This is one of my latest pages that I made up of my siblings.  It has been a bit of a challenge doing pages all about me.  I much rather enjoy making pages up about others.  But this one was pretty fun because I got to write about my wonderful older brother and sister. Sure love em!

The journaling on the page reads:
It was nice growing up with siblings like you!
 -You were someone to SHOW me the way....Like golfing in the
back yard, and how not to break the picture glass window in the kitchen.
 -You were someone to teach me how to LOVE pretending your feet were animals for me to play with so I would cuddle and kiss them.
 -You were someone to TEACH me how to clean how to clean out your drawers and if you find a stray bullet, you don't place it where you throw something heavy on top so it explodes and you end up all bloody.

 -You were someone to teach me by don't go to
the swimming pool if your swimming suit top is not tied on properly.
-You were someone to show me how to giving up two years of your life to serve the Lord on a mission.
 -You were someone who always SHARED with after seeing a play you loved you got the record, cut stick figures from magazines and reenacted the entire play for me.
You were the best older brother and sister a little girl
could ask for.  Thanks for being that SOMEONE
special for me.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Never drive drunk!

So last Monday for Family night we (Ron, April, Meilin and Mitchell) went to Trafalga to play.  We have season passes and so we have been trying to go at least monthly.  We had just dropped Mitchell off at his home and were almost home.  We were driving in front of the Jr. High, now many of you know what a wide road that is and Ron decided to weave back and forth along that road.  Much to our pre-teens dismay in the back seat.  There the three of us were, heads bopping back and forth, weaving, Meilin asking her dad to stop, and that just spearing him on a even longer path of weaviness and April  rolling her eyes at the whole situation.   Then what to our dizzy eyes should appear?.... but  the red and blue lights in our rear view mirror did leer.    Needless to say the officer did think we were driving a bit (how should we put it...under the influence).  To make matters worse when the officer asked Ron for his licence he discovered that he had left it at home on the copy machine.  It was quite the humorous situation to say the least.  But the good thing was that we didn't get a ticket, much to our surprise.

Happy Sitter!

Rex is sitting up on his own and doesn't he look so proud!  A whole new world is opening up for him as he now can look all over and grab the toys he wants.  He is pretty happy as you can tell about it.

Play time with wild Rexie

Rex seams to like this little pony he likes to eat his hair.  So grandma tried to teach him what it was really used for.  Ridin little cowboy!  Whooohooo!

Excited Rexie

Rex has this new thing where he just can't contain his excitement and it looks like he is about to explode with happiness.  This is the result.  I love how his little feet twirl in circles.!