Justine was asked by a long time friend and neighbor Nathan Hoggan to go to prom. He asked her on a weekend when she was very sick with the flue and a cold. He sent a first-aid box with some medicine and some get well items. He included a pill bottle with some tick-tacks which she had to dump out and find letters which spelled his name. Way cute idea! She answered back by buying his a large pizza with the word YES spelled out in pepperoini's. Nathans dad came over a minute before he arrived to take pictures with us. Afterall they are our good friends. They had a full day of activites. Nate picked her up for breakfast and a movie. Then he dropped her off for a couple of hours and then it was off for pictures, dinner another movie and then the dance. 

How fun! She looks so pretty!
Justine you are adorable!
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