Sunday, May 4, 2008

Justine goes to Prom

Justine was asked by a long time friend and neighbor Nathan Hoggan to go to prom. He asked her on a weekend when she was very sick with the flue and a cold. He sent a first-aid box with some medicine and some get well items. He included a pill bottle with some tick-tacks which she had to dump out and find letters which spelled his name. Way cute idea! She answered back by buying his a large pizza with the word YES spelled out in pepperoini's. Nathans dad came over a minute before he arrived to take pictures with us. Afterall they are our good friends. They had a full day of activites. Nate picked her up for breakfast and a movie. Then he dropped her off for a couple of hours and then it was off for pictures, dinner another movie and then the dance.

Reort on Mitchell

Well Mitchell is settling in well in his new home. He calls us almost daily to let us know how things are going. Each day when we ask him how he likes it his responce is "I love it!" There have been a few slight bumps this week but all in all he has done very well. He is still taking his time unpacking. Youknow organizing is his "thing" so we can imagine it taking a while before the last of the boxes are unpacked. He did tell me this morning that all his clothes are unpacked and put away. He started a new school on Thursday and he reported on Friday to his grandma Fredrickson that he loves it better than his old school.
This morning he went to his new ward and he even bore his testimony! He fasted all day, a full 12 hours (to the minute!) He called Ron at church and made sure that his records were sent to his new ward! What a great kid! He loves being "independant" although he still calls to ask for our opinion and advice on things. It has been fun to respond with "Well Mitch thats your choice...what do you want?" What a whole new world for him. We are grateful that he has this opportunity.