For my birthday Jourdan sent his SD memory card home filled with pictures. What a wonderful gift it was! He continues to do very well. His letters are very upbeat and inpirational. He is currently a trainer and is dedicated to helping his compaion be the best he can be. He continues to be a strong influence for good out there Ohio.

Becasue the pictures were on the memory chip nothing had a caption on it....so we are up to ourselver to figure everything out. I believe this first picture is his companion in Twinsburg, Elder Bell. The second picture is the gentleman that they lived with in Twinsburg. Last is a picture of a woman he called his second mom. She took good care of him while he was in Alliance
He looks happy. That's always good to see as a mom. Also a very unique way of wearing his name badge in the last pictures... just like Jourdan
What a handsome young lad! Ha ha gotta love him. I know I do!
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