Our Labor day started out with our annual family bike ride up the Provo River trail. It was slightly overcast so it was excellent weather for a ride. Spencer was able to join us for the first hour before he had to turn back to head back to work. We rode from Utah Lake to the Shopco on the diagnal for a total of 12 miles.

Meilin and Mom on the bridge where we turned around. We then headed to Maceys for Icecream cones! Yum! Yum.

Shrotly after this Mitchell crashed into a young father with his child. Both were ok, but it was Mitchell's second crash of the day, poor guy!
After lunch at Burger King it was off to the Spanish Fork Airport to go flying with Jourdan! What fun! This was our first chance to see him in action and fly with Him.
Mitchell thought it was "Totally AWSOME!!!" Meilin giggled the whole flight and Dad got to fly to Provo airport and do a touch and go with Jourdan. Upon returning the weather started to get windy so Mom's ride had to be postponed. (Darn!) It was the highlight of the day! Thanks Jourdan!